211 Monterey County
211 is a free, confidential referral and information helpline and website that connects people to essential health and human services, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Community Breakfast
The Annual Community Breakfast attracts a diverse cross-section of community leaders who share an interest in making our community stronger
Family, Friends, and Neighbors
FFN network enhances a culturally relevant and widely utilized child care practice that supports the culture, language, and values of its community and provides low cost, high quality early childhood education.
Financial Literacy Workshops
Workshops are offered to those whose earnings are below the federal poverty level.
The curriculum teaches participants how to set financial and career goals, manage a budget, understand and repair credit, and inform them of different child care and subsidy programs.
This annual opportunity honors the incredible work of volunteers who have made significant contributions within the community.
MLK Day of Service
A day of service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Volunteers may find themselves preparing meals for the less fortunate, marching in a parade while promoting our programs, supplying a library, cleaning up a park, or planting a tree.
Monterey County Preschool Service Corps
This program partners with preschools by providing AmeriCorps Members who offer individualized language and literacy tutoring.
The program supports kindergarten readiness and helps children who are below age level for literacy and qualify for subsidized care.
Preschool Spruce Up
Upgrades play facilities at early childhood education centers throughout the county.
The goal of Preschool Spruce Up is to ensure that early learning environments are well equipped to stimulate the social, emotional and academic development of our youngest learners.
Read Across America Day
UWMC celebrates Dr. Seuss’ birthday by reading to children throughout Monterey County on National Education Association’s Read Across America Day.
Stuff the Bus
Stuff the Bus provides new backpacks stuffed with school supplies to students who are homeless or experiencing great need in Monterey County.
The program helps kids start school equipped with the supplies they needed to be ready to learn – it also eases the financial burden on families and gives kids a boost of self-confidence.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
VITA provides free tax preparation services to low-to-medium income working taxpayers throughout Monterey County.
The VITA service runs with the help of IRS-trained volunteers. In 2021, UWMC wrapped up our 12th year of VITA service with 1,232 tax returns filed.