Hope & Help Network Community Partners


Hope and Help Community Partner Page Banner


When facing mental health and substance use challenges,
many Monterey County residents do not know where to turn.


Often, organizations may not be ready to provide help due to factors such as eligibility, capacity, and insurance.
This makes it challenging for the organization to know where to direct residents to get the care they need.




The Hope & Help Network brings together organizations working in the mental health and substance use disorder spaces.


Through referrals, organizations build relationships and promote collaboration with each other to connect residents to the care they need.

The Network strives to improve systems so they can more effectively and efficiently serve our community.








Young person sitting on floor under window. Photo by Fernando @cferdophotography on Unsplash







Mental Health Partners

A nonprofit organization focused on providing youth mental health training and certification, along with building awareness and contributing to research on youth mental health.


Learn more about  AIM Youth Mental Health

A health service providing assessment, diagnosis, therapy, and support for individuals dealing with mental health concerns.

Learn more about Balance Treatment Center

A local college providing counseling services and referral to local resources for their students.

Learn more about CSUMB (Health and Wellness Services Department)

A local health entity offering behavioral health services.  

Learn more about Doctors on Duty

A nonprofit organization assisting youth with housing, education, employment, and healthcare services.

Learn more about The Epicenter

A nonprofit organization providing counseling, senior outreach, support, and confidential suicide prevention hotline.

Learn more about the Family Service Agency of the Central Coast.

A nonprofit organization providing maternal mental health and wellness support resources.

Learn more about Parenting Connection of Monterey County

A mental health entity that provides outpatient children and adolescent mental and behavioral health counseling. Offers diagnosis, treatment, individual counseling, group therapy, family services, and partial hospitalization program.

Learn more about Ohana

A nonprofit organization providing assessment, diagnosis, and specialized treatment of psychosis and schizophrenia.

Learn more about Re(Mind) Felton Institute

A local nonprofit organization affiliate providing social and community services.

Learn more about Salvation Army Good Samaritan Center

A nonprofit organization providing rescue horse training programs and equine therapy for youth.

Learn more about Wonder Wood Ranch


Mental Health Partners


Substance Use Disorder Partners



Outstretched hand reaching for another in a supportive way



Substance Use Disorder Partners

A nonprofit organization providing substance abuse, mental health counseling, and homeless support services.

Learn more about Community Human Services

A collaborative that coordinates safe prescription drug programs in partnership with local organizations. Provides community education about prescription drugs. Offers referrals to community resources.

Learn more about Prescribe Safe

A nonprofit organization providing alcohol and substance abuse prevention, education, counseling, and recovery.

Learn more about Sun Street Centers

A nonprofit organization providing substance abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment.

Learn more about Valley Health Associates

A nonprofit organization providing intervention, prevention, and services for youth with substance use disorders.

Learn more about Youth Recovery Connections





Asset Library For Hope and Help Partners



Tools to Become a Partner

Icon of tools in a tool box





United Way Monterey County
Outreach Material

Icon of people sharing ideas with text boxes


Partner Provided Material

Icon of one person sharing information with two other people








Orange Quotation

"We're working right now in real time to find what that patient needs and get them connected to the services that are available. Treatment of substance use disorder and our treatment of mental health needs has to be in parallel and has to be happening aggressively together. -Dr. Reb Close, Emergency Physician and Addiction Medicine Specialist, Montage Health







The Smart Referral Network

Smart Referral Network Logo


To increase the scale and impact for information and referral, United Way Monterey County (UWMC) has developed the Smart Referral Network (SRN).


The SRN allows users to support whole person care for their clients by making “closed loop” referrals to regional and complementary community benefit organizations. Case Managers, Community Health Workers, other front-line workers, and people in need of support use the SRN to search for services in the Monterey County 211 health and human service database. These organizations send referrals electronically, which are documented by the receiving community benefits organizations when resulted in services.

The SRN is “smart” in that it compares demographics with program eligibility requirements to prioritize search results. Many of the partners in the Hope & Help Network leverage this tool to send referrals and connect clients to services. Please visit our SRN webpage to learn more and contact our team about the tool.


Orange Divider Line




UWMC has developed a chatbot that allows individuals to connect with more than 50 local agencies and hundreds of services.


The chatbot will ask questions about personal information to help you get connected to services that you may be eligible to receive. If you find a service that you would like, you can send your information to specific agencies that provide the service. They will reach out to you and attempt to enroll you in their services.

If you are interested in using the chatbot, select the icon in the lower right-hand corner of the 211 Monterey County website to get started.




SRN Bouncing Logo





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