Asset Building


Monterey County families are faced with financial threats to their quality of life on a daily basis. Shrinking wages, increased costs, and depletion of savings are the main causes of financial instability for many working families. United Way Monterey County aims to change the odds that are facing the American public. Our Asset Building strategies exist to help families grow toward a more secure economic future.

Our Asset Building Vision

Our goal is for Monterey County residents to be economically self-sufficient, with more opportunities for prosperity. United Way achieves this goal through partnerships, grant making, and direct service advocacy.

Our Asset Building Strategies

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)

VITA is a volunteer-led program that provides residents free tax preparation services. Learn more.

Financial Literacy and Capacity Building Workshops

United Way provides financial literacy workshops to residents below the Federal Poverty Level. These workshops teach residents how to manage, budget, understand and repair credit, and educate them about affordable child care and other subsidy programs. Learn more.

CalWORKs Community Service

The United Way partners with the Department of Social Services to identify and place unemployed residents in community service through CalWORKs.