Volunteer Waiver and Confidentiality Agreement


United Way Monterey County (UWMC) is committed to making a positive difference in the Community. UWMC appreciates the time and effort that each of our volunteers contributes and we firmly believe that your efforts will help build a better future for all Monterey County residents. We take our obligation to provide you with a positive volunteer experience seriously and we anticipate that you have similar goals. Please acknowledge and date below to indicate your agreement to the below terms.

I understand that I am/will be:

  1. Spending time as a volunteer at a program offered by UWMC.
  2. Responsible for my behavior and I will only perform volunteer work that I am comfortable doing and participate in activities that I am comfortable doing.

Having read this Acknowledgement and Release form and knowing these facts and in consideration for the acceptance of my participation in the UWMC organized and/or sponsored projects, events and functions, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf:

  1. Voluntarily release, discharge, waive, and relinquish any and all actions for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death occurring as a result of the activities I may engage in through the volunteer opportunities offered by UWMC.
  2. Release and forever discharge UWMC from any claim that arises on account of any first-aid treatment or other medical services rendered in connection with an emergency during my time at UWMC.
  3. Grant permission to UWMC to photograph, record, or videotape me.
  4. Grant UWMC the absolute right to copyright, publish, use, sell or assign any and all photographs, television spots, movie films, videotapes and/or sound recordings of me or with my likeness without my prior approval.

I understand that confidentiality is of the utmost importance when volunteering with UWMC. I agree to the following confidentiality terms:

  1. All data, materials, knowledge and information generated through, originating from, or having to do with UWMC or the 211 Call Center or persons associated with its activities is to be considered privileged and confidential and is not to be disclosed to any third party. This includes, but is not limited to, pages, forms, information, designs, documents, printed matter, policies and procedures, conversations, messages (received or transmitted), resources, contacts, email lists, email messages, client, staff or public information is confidential and the sole property of UWMC.
  2. In addition, this also includes, but is not limited to, any information of, or relating to, our staff, clients, operations and activities. This privilege extends to all forms and formats in which the information is maintained and stored, including, but not limited to hardcopy, photocopy, microform, automated and/or electronic form. Client information, including all file information, is not be disclosed to any third party, under any circumstances, without the written consent of the UWMC.
  3. Any disclosure, misuse, copying or transmitting of any material, data or information, whether intentional or unintentional, will subject Volunteer to disciplinary action, prosecution, and/or monetary damages according to the procedures set by UWMC and any applicable laws.