Impact Center Mural Project Ribbon Cutting


Flyer for Mural Ribbon Cutting


Join UWMC and the Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce in celebrating the launch of the UWMC Community Impact Center Mural Project with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on

Wednesday, September 4th,
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
at Mid-Town Lane, Salinas City Center


Guests will participate in the unveiling of muralist Amy Burkman’s Youth Orchestra Salinas (YOSAL) Mural and are invited to enjoy light appetizers and learn about phase 2 of the Mural Project.


Learn more about the mural project here.



Amy Burkman YOSAL Mural in Mid-Town Lane



Amy Burkman YOSAL Mural in Mid-Town Lane in progress




Amy Burkman YOSAL Mural in Mid-Town Lane with Ivan and Dego



Amy Burkman YOSAL Mural in Mid-Town Lane in progress