As a supporter of United Way Monterey County, you have already made a commitment to improving lives in Monterey County.
Thank you for choosing to LIVE UNITED.
You can take your charitable contributions a step further by considering a planned gift to our organization. A planned gift is a unique and personal opportunity to make a valuable, lasting impact on our community and the issues that matter most to you. With planned giving, you can achieve personal and financial goals, while providing sustainable funding for United Way Monterey County. Your gift will allow us to bridge critical gaps in services and help address our community’s most complex and significant issues for generations to come.
In making a planned gift to United Way Monterey County, you can make an outright gift from appreciated assets, through a bequest or a trust, with a life insurance policy, or through retirement plans. We offer a variety of options to support our work to help you choose which method of giving is best for you.
These are assets that a donor can invest right away in United Way. They include cash, real estate, securities, and other property.
These types of gifts are what many people have in mind when they think of “planned gifts.” They are made through a will, trust, life insurance, or individual retirement plan. In establishing a bequest, a donor can allocate a specific dollar amount, percentage of the estate, or even the residue that remains after a donor’s family and other designees have received their share of an estate. Furthermore, a donor can make a bequest that is contingent upon the recipient organization fulfilling specific obligations.
Typically, these gifts involve two “interests” or beneficiaries: a present interest and a future interest.